num: 102/08/15 14:57:25
Phillipe, we add a new Movie Scene to the member's area each week. Of course not all the scenes from every film has been added yet.but it will happen in time.
BTW, the Love Triangle is a Lucas Kazan film. Although he did direct 5 films for Sarava Productions, that one doesn't belong to us.
Nome: Kristen
Hi Kristen, I wish you're doing good and I miss you. :) I'd love to know are you guys going to add more movies scenes into Member's Area? 'Cos I found that the scenes are actually incomplete, such as clips of Vilem Cage (Out In Tuscany, The Love Triangle...), and the hot work Sex City 2. I wish your work team could add them up, well not in a big rush but still need to watch all your works. :) Best Regards.