num: 114/05/14 16:38:58
Yes, all scenes shot on HD will be updated to full 1080 HD downloads. This is a work is process, and we will start with the more recent scenes, and work our way backwards until all HD scenes are available in full HD downloads for members.
Nome: Kristen
num: 221/05/14 10:48:05
That's great!
I'm so excited to hear this.
Just hope that will come soon, thank you.
Nome: ksng1092
num: 306/08/17 12:39:54
It has been absolutely fantastic the high production quality and releases in 1080p. :)
Nome: Brad
When I noticed KB is DRM FREE, I joined your membership ASAP.
But I am very disappointed with the the video resolution of DRM FREE mp4.
I know you shoot films with HD camera for a while, my understanding is that you shoot films with HD camera means you shoot films in 1920 x 1080 resolution because there are no such 960 x 540 or 1280 x 720 HD cameras, mostly 960 x 540 or 1280 x 720 videos are downscaled from the 1920 x 1080 camera-shot videos.
So I believe you can provide 1920 x 1080 mp4 videos of all films, scenes, clips whitch are shot in HD camera.
But a lot scenes(I mean those which shot in HD of course) are 960 x 540 only for now.
I want to know will you put 1920 x 1080 version of these videos online?