Casting Couch #240: Hugo Martin, Gabriel
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In order to find the world's hottest men and best performers, at we make casting videos in many different countries to see how well new candidates perform in front of a camera. These auditions are usually made between new candidates and experienced actors. The 10 scenes presented here were ranked by our website members as some of their favorites.
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Uruguay has to rate highly in the hottest new entry candidates at Kristen Bjorn. Gabriel skilfully ticks all the boxes of Male God-Like physical beauty. also I like the very pleasing look of his face, He happens to choose the best nimble sexual position, that to me , always produces a boner,, for clearly, it is also sensually satisfying for him, and the highly-experienced Hugo ....Gabriel, you are already, in my mind, a hard act to follow...All that I can add, is the single word, "Wow!" .......